Saturday 19 November 2011


Aside from producing the E. Zobel Foundation's Annual Newsletter, I also produced the quarterly Banco ng Masa newsletter. Banco ng Masa is a microfinance-oriented rural bank in Batangas (Philippines) borne from the E. Zobel Foundation's Palabra de Honor savings program. Associations located all over Batangas (Calatagan, Lian, Tui, Nasugbu and Matabungkay), made up of farmers, fishermen, small business owners and the like, pooled their savings together to set up capital for their livelihood. A system on-the-ground volunteers monitored associations and helped instill a culture of accountability and business sense.

The newsletter was aimed towards the Bank's microfinance clientele, who were mostly rural folk, fishermen, farmers, small business owners, public school teachers, etc. Written entirely in Filipino, it served to communicate bank news, drum up excitement on the savings program, feature success stories, give small business ideas and tips, and entertain clients while waiting at the Bank. I took care of writing, researching, interviewing, photographing, laying out the publication, liaising with the printers, and even drawing the comics page.

Click on the pictures below to see a couple of issues (and the comics page!)

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